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snippet: Open 311 calls for associated with emergency and non emergency tree services and maintenance.
summary: Open 311 calls for associated with emergency and non emergency tree services and maintenance.
extent: [[-90.136808751,5.6843418860808E-14],[5.6843418860808E-14,30.1638132160001]]
accessInformation: City of New Orleans Open 311 Calls
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Open 311 calls for associated with emergency and non emergency tree services and maintenance. Calls are grouped into five general categories for visual improvement, updated each Friday night with calls from that week.
licenseInfo: This information is derived from the City of New Orleans Enterprise GIS Database. The data are not a survey-quality product and the end user assumes the risk of using this information. The City of New Orleans does not assume any liability for damages arising from errors, omissions, or use of this information. The City of New Orleans is not responsible for and does not warrant the published accuracy, date and currency, compilation methods, and cartographic format as described in the accompanying metadata, and end users are advised to utilize these data accordingly.
title: Streetlights
type: Map Service
tags: ["Parks & Parkways","Trees","311 Open Calls"]
culture: en-US
name: Open311CasesTrees
guid: E6BCF803-A7E5-4D96-9F99-23BDA7B76FA2
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984